How do I register for the Recipe Community?
Click the login button in the top right, select "Register here" and fill in your details. Once you have registered, you'll receive a confirmation email.
What should I do if I forget my password?
Click the login button in the top right and then select "Forgot password". Provide us with your email address you use to log in, and we'll send you a link to reset your password.
Can I change my user name?
No, once you have chosen your username you will no longer be able to change this.
Can I change my password?
Yes, you can change your password by clicking on your Profile(top right hand menu) and then selecting "change password" and following the prompts.
How do I register for the Recipe Community?
- How can I subscribe to the Thermomix e-newsletter?
Why can’t I upload recipes?
You need to be logged in to upload any recipes.
Why are my recipe instructions not displayed correctly?
This happens when the recipe instructions are copied from an existing document that has already been formatted. To fix this, click on the Word symbol in the formatting bar of the Preparation box, copy the desired text into the window the opens and press "Insert". The text will then be added without formatting.
Why can't I download/print recipes?
You need to be logged in to download or print recipes.
Why can’t I comment on any recipes?
You need to be logged an to comment on recipes.
Why can’t I rate recipes?
You need to be logged in to rate recipes.
How can I comment on the latest recipe posted on the site?
The latest recipes will be shown on the homepage. Simply scroll down to "Latest recipes" and click on "All recipes". This will take you to all the latest recipes that have been commented on. From here, you can click on the recipe you'd like to review and comment on.
How can I view the latest comments posted on the site?
The latest recipes will be shown on the homepage. Simply scroll down to "Latest recipes" and click on "All recipes". This will take you to all the latest recipes that have been commented on. From here, you can click on the recipe you'd like to review and comment on.
How can I read comments posted about my own recipes?
Once logged in, you will see a note in your Member area telling you how many new comments have been posted about your recipes. If you click on the link, you'll be able to view your recipes with any new comments you haven't viewed yet.
How can I search for a recipe by title?
Use the search bar on the homepage and enter the title of the recipe. Click on search or enter on your keyboard and any recipes that match your search will be shown.
How can I search for all the recipes of one member?
Click on the member's username to view their public profile. From here, scroll down to "Recipes" and the click "Show all".
How can I select recipes with particular ingredients?
When you are in the lastest recipes section, click "Filter" under the Refine your search header, click on include/exclude ingredients and then enter the details.
How can I search for recipes without particular ingredients?
When you are in the lastest recipes section, click "Filter" under the Refine your search header, click on "Include/exclude ingredients" and enter the details. Finally, click on "Apply Filters" once you are done.
How can I view all the recipes within one category?
When you are in the lastest recipes section, click "Filter" under the Refine your search header, click "Categories" and then choose from the list. Then, click "Apply Filters" once you are done.
Can I enter several search terms simultaneously to get particular search results?
Yes, you can choose multiple filters when you are refining your search. Just make sure to click on "Apply Filters" once you have entered and selected all the options you'd like to include.
In which ways can I utilise the search function?
You can use the search panel to search for ingredients, recipe name or other users
How can I post a recipe?
Once you are logged in, click on browse and then "Create new recipe". Follow the steps and then upload.
How do I post a comment?
Once you have registered as a member, you can log in and comment on recipes. On the recipe page, please scroll to the bottom and under “Post your comment”, type your comments in the comment box and click save. Please ensure that the comments posted must apply to the corresponding recipe. For any other type of comment or to share your thoughts, suggestions or ideas with others, please use the Forum.
How can I rate a recipe?
One you're logged in, you'll see stars just under the recipe name. Here you can rate a recipe between 1 to 5 stars (1 being poor and 5 being excellent). Once you have rated a recipe, you won't be able to rate it again.
What does “Rating” mean?
A rating of a recipe is based on the satisfaction from other members. Ratings are assigned on a scale on 1 to 5 (poor, needs improvement, ok, good, excellent) and displayed as stars on a recipe.
How do I use the shopping-list?
When you're logged in and viewing a recipe, you'll be able to add the ingredients from the recipe by clicking "Add to shopping list". This button is displayed under the ingredients. To access your shopping list, click "My Recipes" > Shopping list shopping
How can I view my received messages?
You can see your messages in your profile under "Messages". You can mark them as read, reply to each message or delete them as necessary.
What's the meaning of the cooking hat/apron in my profile?
The cooking hat/apron in your profile serves as an indicator for your status. There are 10 status levels. You can increase your status level by creating recipes, commenting on recipes or uploading pictures. The number in your cooking hat/apron and other users’ hats/aprons depicts your and their current status levels.
What's the purpose of the "My Collection" function?
You can create personal collections of recipes, for example “My favourite Christmas dinners”, “Gluten-free Mains”. This feature can be accessed in your profile under “My collection”. Here you can create your own collections of recipes just by adding them into a category of your choice. You will have permanent access to these collections and can view them any time you visit your profile.
How can I post a recipe?