Forum Has anyone used Google Home Hub for following recipes?
I too am thinking of getting a Google home hub.
WIll experiment a bit and will report back using a TM31 and the Cookido website.
It will also be interesting to see how a Youtube clip of "How to make Bolognese using a Thermomix" will work!
I honestly dont think it will replace a TM 5. As far as I can make out Thermomix is not compatible with a Google home hub. There is however a long list of compatible recipy sites available on the Google website.
Hi Everyone
I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes.
I have an old Ipad that I used to use in the kitchen to follow the recipe community recipes but it is old and I think on its last legs. I have given up on it and now use my Iphone for reading recipes.
I have been seeing the Google Home Hub advertised on TV and think it would be great to use, but I want to make sure it will be compatible with the Recipe Community recipes because I use it and the Quirky Cooking website the most. I know it sounds like it's pretty new technology but wondere if anyone out there is using it.