Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant FollowUnfollowBlockUnblock Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 3Actual userpoint: 67 Register now to enjoy all advantages Recipes (12) Show all Create new recipe The best Chewy Chocolate chip cookies by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 75 5.0 (1) Chicken Pathia by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 2 easy -- 65 Hot Cross Bun Tiramisu by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 30 5.0 (3) Annabel Langbein's Sesame Lavosh by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 3 easy -- 30 Chelsea Winter's Crazy Italian chocolate cake (egg free, dairy free) by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 -- -- 55 1.0 (1) Nutella Skillet Brownie by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 20 Beef Cheek Lasagne by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 390 S'mores Brownie by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 146 Chocolate and Yoghurt Bundt Cake with Chocolate icing (Donna Hay) by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 -- -- 65 Karaage Chicken by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 easy -- 90 Gingerbread Waffles with (or without) Toffee Sauce by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 0 -- -- 30 1.0 (1) Grain free/Keto Raspberry Granola by Cheryl Willis - Thermomix Consultant 0 1 easy -- 35