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thumbnail image 1
Preparation time
1h 1min
Total time
11h 1min
2 litre(s)
  • TM 31
published: 2014/08/12
changed: 2017/08/23


Double Batch of Yoghurt

  • 2000 grams full cream milk
  • 100-150 grams caster sugar OR honey
  • 150 grams Yoghurt - I prefer 5am Organic

Accessories you need

  • Spatula TM5/TM6
    Spatula TM5/TM6
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Recipe's preparation

  1. Weigh in milk and sugar into TM bowl - It will come up to the max fill line.

  2. Cook for 30 minutes/90 degrees/Speed 2.5. Place TM bowl in fridge until milk mixture is almost cool. NOTE: Transferring milk mixture to a plastic bowl will speed this process up. Usually 1-1.5 hours.

  3. When milk mixture is almost cool, place back into TM bowl. The 37 degree light should be OUT. If not, allow to cool for longer. If you don't allow it to cool below 37 degrees you will kill the live culture (yoghurt) when adding it and your yoghurt won't work.

  4. Place yoghurt into TM Bowl, warm for 10 minutes/37 degrees/Speed 2.5.

  5. For the best results, use unhomogenised milk that is a good quality - look out for these when they're reduced too!

    To get super thick yoghurt you need to cool the milk quickly - the quicker it cools, the thicker it will be. a bowl half filled with ice then another bowl on top of that with the hot milk mix is grwat, then into the fridge.

    Place milk mixture into Thermoserver immediately, with the Thermoserver base on, then wrap in a large towel**.

    For best results, leave 10-12 hours in a warm place.

    **I put my Thermoserver on top of my wifi modem for the night in Winter and cooler nights as it is slightly warm to the touch. DVD players/Set top boxes/Stereos/Austar boxes may also be a warm spot! In Summer I just leave on the kitchen bench with a towel draped over it.

    I have also successfully used Jalna and Tamar Valley kids Greek yoghurts for starters.


I usually start this at abnout 5:30pm which means I'm putting my yoghurt 'to bed' as I go to bed! Then it's ready in the morning. OR start in the morning, it's finished by the time you get home and can cool in the fridge overnight for eating the next day.

The new 2.6L Thermoservers are perfect for this double batch but it can be carefully made in the 2.2L!

DON'T FORGET to keep 150g of the yoghurt for your next batch!

Parenting tip - your kids may be used to a LOT more sugar in their yoghurt. You may find you need to put up to 250g in to start with, then gradually wean them off a little bit each time you make a batch!

Update: I have begun making this with 80-100g honey and it's divine!

I add fruit or honey after the yoghurt has set.

Thermomix Model

  • Appliance TM 31 image
    Recipe is created for
    TM 31

This recipe was provided to you by a Thermomix ® customer and has not been tested by Vorwerk Thermomix ® or The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd.
Vorwerk Thermomix ® and The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd assume no liability, particularly in terms of ingredient quantities used and success of the recipes.
Please observe the safety instructions in the Thermomix ® instruction manual at all times.

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Double Batch of Yoghurt



  • 16. February 2022 - 09:37

    Hi, can I use long life, lite lactose free milk?

    I tried another recipe that needed milk powder in it. My kids thought it was too thick.

  • 25. September 2020 - 20:42

    yes, you can use unhomogenised milk 😊
    or normal fresh milk. I don't think the recipe calls for long life milk.

    it should be full cream milk and the better quality milk the better yoghurt.

    You use the ice bath after you have cooked the milk and sugar (if using). Then when it has cooled down to below 37 you add it back to the Thermomix jug, add your starter yoghurt and warm it again. Then you wrap it and put in a warm place overnight
    i would add the flavoring after it has set, at least the first time.

    good luck. It's a great yoghurt. I usually make it without sweetener and then add the sweetener when serving if required. I usually eat it as is with no sweetener.

  • 11. July 2020 - 11:29

    I added cream and milk powder to mine as per the recipe on the tm5 and it turned out perfect! I love that my tm bowl is now free when I'm making yogurt and I don't have to stand the yogurt in my Thermomix to make it anymore. Perfect!

  • 14. June 2020 - 13:53

    Love it I'm not a really good home maker. But this was really easy and soo tasty.

    I cooked the first lot of milk mixture in the fridge with ice water bath. Then put it next to my oil heater on low and wrapped in a towel.

    made a little later then I though so it stayed there for 14 hours then into the fridge for four hour and then mixed and served in the morning. Nice and thick and creamy.

    I then biltz frozen strawberries with a little water and mixed that in yummy strawberry flavour and I also experimented and mixed a bit of milo and milk up to make a thick paste and mixed that into a small amount yougurt was ok similarly to store milk yogurt.

    I used the who 150g sugar and found it a little sweet so will be reducing that down next time.

  • 13. June 2020 - 03:18

    ive read all the comments and your instructions and have a few questions.

    can I use unhomoginized fresh milk? If not can I normal fresh milk or has to be long life?

    Any idea how I can make this yoghurt flavored during the cooking process? They little ones love flavored fruit yoghurt and I wanted to put it into their reusable cute pouches as they love the store bought so I can avoid buying as I prefer home made.

    lastly can you pls clarify when I'm supposed to keep it warm and cool it down? The comment about the ice bath is in the same Paragraph as when to keep it warm so I'm confused? Thanks

  • 18. June 2019 - 08:10

    how long do you leave the mix in the fridge in the ice bowl before transferring it into the thermoserver? Thanks

  • 3. October 2017 - 12:48

    Not quite sure what happened to mine but it has not thickened at all. Very disappointed because this recipe has such great feedback.

  • 23. August 2017 - 11:09

    I have tried a few different yoghurt recipes since first getting my Thermomix but I never liked the texture or taste of any of them. This one is the BEST!! So easy to follow and everything about this yoghurt is perfect!!

  • 23. March 2017 - 18:47

    I am SO impressed with this recipe! I went through a tmx yoghurt making phase about 2 years ago and tried lots of different recipes, variations, research and tweaks on the quest for the perfect recipe. In the end I cobbled together a formula that worked pretty well, but it used UHT milk and powder and eventually I stopped making it. This recipe was recently recommended on a facebook group I'm in and I'll admit I was skeptical about the lack of powder, but I tried it last night and it was a BIG success!

    I have a TM31 with a 2.2L thermoserver and they were both pretty full, but it was doable. I used 100g sugar which is lovely but I might reduce it next time. I used Farmers Union full fat Greek yoghurt for my starter and 2L of organic milk I scored on sale. Love that it's such a large quantity - I think that's half the reason I stopped making it last time, I was just spending too much time on it, but this will last longer.

    One extra thing I did from my previous yoghurt making days was to preheat the thermoserver with boiling water during the 12min part with a gel heatpack in the water. Once the 12 mins is up I drain the water, fill the thermoserver with the milk mixture and pop the heatpack on top of the thermoserver lid before wrapping it in a towel to keep it warm overnight. In the morning I put it straight into the fridge (still in the thermoserver) without peeking. That evening I decant it into other containers. (I've found this means less risk of the yoghurt turning runny.)

    One question: in the ingredients & tips it says you can use honey instead of sugar, but then it says to stir the honey in after. Could you also use honey during the cooking process?

    Thanks for the great recipe!


  • 2. November 2016 - 16:36

    When you add fruit do you find it losses it's thickness. Also when adding fruit do you just chop by hand or blend in the thermo? thanks. 

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