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  • 85 g almonds
  • 140 gWhite Rice
  • 200 g unsalted butter, cubed
  • 200 g dark chocolate, in pieces
  • 35 g cocoa powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 190 gdark Brown Sugar
  • 100 g un-chopped nuts of choice

Accessories you need

  • Spatula TM5/TM6
    Spatula TM5/TM6
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Recipe's preparation

  1. Pre heat oven to 180°C. Line an 18cm square pan with baking paper that comes

    over the sides for easy removal.

    Place almonds into TM bowl and mill for 10 seconds on speed 7. Set aside,

    Place rice into TM bowl and mill for 1 minute on speed 9. Add to almonds.

    Place butter and chocolate into TM bowl and chop for 5 seconds on speed 7.

    Melt for 3 minutes at 50°C on speed 3. Cool slightly.

    Add cocoa and eggs and mix for 30 seconds on speed 5.

    Add sugar with almond and rice flours and mix for 10-15 seconds on speed 6 until all blended.

    Add nuts and incorporate for 5 seconds on speed 4.

    Pour into pan and cook for 40 minutes. Turn down heat to 160°C if necessary

    during the last 10 minutes of cooking time. Allow to cool in pan before removing and cutting into squares. Dust with icing sugar to serve

Thermomix Model

  • Appliance TM 31 image
    Recipe is created for
    TM 31
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Nice Rice Brownies



  • 9. July 2014 - 10:31

    Absolutely delicious. Made for my sister who has coealics but the whole family loved them (kids also). I used milk chocolate to make them less rich

  • 22. May 2014 - 08:00

    These were delicious. I used brown rice and ground for 2 minutes. There was a slight "grittiness" to the brownie, but kids still loved it.  tmrc_emoticons.) tmrc_emoticons.D

  • 24. February 2014 - 22:37

    Enjoyed making these with my son. Yummy- will make again. 

  • 28. January 2014 - 21:28

    A good gluten free option (but still can't beat the real thing). Can substitute white choc chips or smarties/M&Ms for raw nuts.

  • 22. February 2012 - 15:37

    Made this recipe this morning and it tastes great  tmrc_emoticons.) I halved the sugar as I prefer not to be too sweet and I subbed 50g of the butter for 50g of coconut butter. Lovely recipe, thanks for sharing  tmrc_emoticons.)

    Adele xx

  • 10. December 2011 - 16:18

    Fabulous!  Took them to a BBQ and everyone loved them.  I used milk choc instead of dark (trying to make less rich for the kids) and accidently used rapadura sugar instead of brown but they were very yummy still.  I also milled the rice a little longer as I didn't think it was fine enough.  Enjoy!! tmrc_emoticons.)


  • 18. September 2011 - 22:12

    So easy to make, so easy and delish to eat  Big Smile

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