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Preparation time
Total time
2h 15min
6 piece(s)
  • TM 31
published: 2015/10/18
changed: 2015/10/18



  • 400g can Chickpeas, Drain chickpeas and keep the liquid. Use chickpeas in another dish.
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice, or use 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 135 grams icing sugar, (1 cup)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

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  • Butterfly
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  • Spatula TM5/TM6
    Spatula TM5/TM6
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Recipe's preparation

  1. Drain a can of chickpeas and keep the liquid (should be about 2/3  of a cup). 

    Preheat oven to 150 degrees.  Draw a large circle on the back of a piece of baking paper (I drew around a large saucepan lid) for a template, use to line a baking tray.

    Insert butterfly into mixing bowl and add chickpea liquid. Add lemon juice or cream of tartar.  Whip for 5 minutes/37 degrees/speed 3.5.  The mixture should resemble beaten egg whites (see photo).

    Reset timer for another 5 minutes/37 degrees/speed 3.5 and, while blades are rotating, add vinegar and vanilla through hole in lid.  Then add sifted icing sugar, one spoonful at a time, through hole in lid with blades still rotating.

    Once sugar has been combined, turn off blades.  Mixture should be very light like egg white meringue.

    Gently transfer mixture onto prepared tray, using the circle as a guide.  Form into a tall disc shape.  Alternatively make six small circles forindividual meringues. (Photo shows pavlova before cooking).

    Place into oven and reduce temperature to 120 degrees.  Bake until just firm to touch (between 1 hour 20 minutes to 2 hours but be careful not to overdo!

    Turn off oven, cool for 30 minutes in oven with door closed, then cool completely in oven with door ajar.

    Top with whipped cream and decorate as desired with fruit of your choice.


Recipe adapted from Super Food Ideas September 2015.

I used the drained chickpeas to make roasted chickpeas.

I didn't have any cream hence no completed photo.  The pavlova rose but then collapsed as a normal pavlova might, however I think I cooked it for a bit too long - remember it will continue cooking after the oven is turned off!  I also only preheated the oven to 120 degrees.  The pavlova will crisp up when it dries out a bit but will be still soft when cooking.

This is ideal for people with egg allergies - it is amazing that the texture resembles egg whites so closely!  My son didn't pick the difference in taste and he won't go anywhere near a chickpea.

Disclaimer - I have never cooked an actual pavlova which is probably why I overcooked it!

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  • Appliance TM 31 image
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    TM 31

This recipe was provided to you by a Thermomix ® customer and has not been tested by Vorwerk Thermomix ® or The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd.
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Recipe's categories:

Print recipe

Egg Free Pavlova (made with Chick Pea Water)



  • 30. May 2019 - 18:57

    amanda orsum gargula: Hi Amanda, thanks for the photos, it looks great! Looking forward to seeing the final decorated pav! tmrc_emoticons.)

  • 30. May 2019 - 10:02

    This is the 1st recipe that shows when you google 'chick pea pavlova' I LOVE IT i've made this before however not with lemon juice., i added the reground sugar very slowly after the 1st 5 minutes, i added the lemon drop by drop in the final 2 minutes. This picture was after about 4 or 5 minutes in, the top begun rounding. i heaped this up about a 1/3 larger than what you see here. I expected it to deflate as i had made one before and i preheat to 200oC knock down the temp then place it in straight away

    Uncooked Just entered the preheated ovenUncooked Just entered the preheated oven

    Amanda Soft

  • 30. May 2019 - 09:56

    Here is the cooked version , if i remember to take a picture of it tonight when it is decorated i will come back and post it here


    Cooked undecoratedCooked undecorated

    Amanda Soft

  • 25. December 2018 - 10:32

    I have made this before without a thermomix and it has worked well each time. I have found that in general, aquafaba does not quite hold it's shape as well as eggs The thermomix is so easy!! Thanks for this recipe - I made it this morning too and mine turned out great!!

  • 25. December 2018 - 06:55

    Didn’t work for me. I tried 4 times as was desperate to make one for Christmas Day
    couldnt get it off the baking paper and it didn’t cook in the middle first time so the second time I tried it on a lower temperature for longer still didn’t work
    Tried again another two times and then run out of ingredients. Not impressed

  • 24. December 2018 - 16:19

    Justineo: Hi, sorry it didn't work out, I haven't made it since the first time, all i can think of is maybe the oven temperature might be too hot or cold? Hopefully someone else can comment?

  • 24. December 2018 - 00:30

    Hi I was so excited when I saw this as my daughter is allergic to egg. But I’ve tried to make this twice and it doesn’t seem to be working for me?

    Ive used both lemon or cream of tartar, and it looks exactly like the images. But then when I bake it, it spreads out and deflates a lot.

    Anyone have any tips?

  • 26. March 2017 - 09:13

    Margarita Helen: Glad it worked for you! It's amazing that you can make pavlova out of chickpeas!

  • 28. December 2016 - 20:58

    Thanks for this recipe! I was really happy to find one for the thermomix because the other two I tried were flops at the whipping stage. Now I realise I had the speed way to high. Plus I like the cream of tartar and vinegar trick! Pure joy when I saw it whipping like it should.

  • 29. November 2015 - 10:04

    Thanks, yes it is hard to gauge how cooked it is but I think with a bit of experimentation it would turn out well - the ones in the magazine looked good.

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