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Preparation time
Total time
3 portion(s)


Smoothie Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons Chia Seeds.
  • 4 or 5 medjool dates (pitted)
  • 1 Big Handful Activated Almonds, * see comments below
  • 60g baby spinach, (kids wont taste it) I add more!
  • 600ml Filtered Water (Cold)
  • 1 or 2 Frozen Ripe Bananas
  • 30g Cacao
  • 1/2 avocado, Kids won't taste it :)
  • 3 Mini scoops Stevia Powder, scoop is in the container
  • 1/2 tray ice cubes
  • 1 Dessertsoppon Mesquite Powder, (Optional for extra protein)
  • 1 teaspoon Super greens, (Optional) or Spirulina

Accessories you need

  • Spatula TM5/TM6
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Recipe's preparation

  1. Add Chia Seeds and blitz for about 8 seconds speed 8

  2. Add Dates, Almonds and Baby Spinach and Blitz on Speed 8 for around 8 seconds, you'll know when its done.

    Clean around blades with silicon spatula.

  3. Add Water, Banana, Avocado, Cacao, Mesquite, Super Greens and Ice Cubes. Blitz on Speed 8 for 30-45 seconds. Stop and clean around baldes just in case. process again for another 30-40 seconds.

  4. Serve in a large glass, we use metal straws to suck up every last drop.



This Smoothie has evolved over time in our house. The kids and I now enjoy this as our breakfast every second morning and I occasionally make for my takeaway lunch.  My daughter is not a big brekky eater but loves this smoothie.  It gives us loads of energy and keeps us full for a very long time.


Alternatives to Stevia:  Maple Syrup, Honey or Agave. Around 30g


If making to drink later reduce chia otherwise it may thicken as chia expands.


I add a teaspoon of Maca powder to mine after I take out kids portion and blend a few more seconds.


If you can't be bothered with activated almonds, you can soak a handful of raw almonds overnight with a pinch of salt or just use raw almonds straight from the bag.


Kale can replace Baby Spinach but will have stronger taste.


If too thick when done, just add more water...but we love it thick!

Add in or take out what you want but I highly recommend trying the kids on the spinach and avocado first to get those greens into them! Such a nutritious brekky that tastes like a chocolate drink.





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This recipe was provided to you by a Thermomix ® customer and has not been tested by Vorwerk Thermomix ® or The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd.
Vorwerk Thermomix ® and The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd assume no liability, particularly in terms of ingredient quantities used and success of the recipes.
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TJ's Chocolate Super Smoothie



  • 23. December 2016 - 13:04

    I am a green smoothie virgin so this was the first time I'd tried one. I'd have to say it was just OK. It didn't end up like the picture - was a very bright green. I did add the extra spinach suggested above, so that might be why. My hubby liked it and I managed a glass of it, but Mr 6 didn't like it at all - though that's not particularly surprising.

  • 15. September 2015 - 12:34

    This is amazing. Good at any time, and we also found it good today when the kids are sick and don't feel like eating much but this smoothie was good for nutrients and fluid. Yum. Very thick - I added an additional 400g of water and it was still thick. Would probably also be yummy with some cow milk or coconut milk well as the water. I had some blueberry powder in the pantry so I put some of that in too.

  • 9. September 2015 - 12:24

    So delicious, my 2 year old loves it too. 

  • 3. April 2015 - 17:25

    Super yummmmmmy!!!

    Made it this morn for hubby, bro-in-law & myself after a sand run together - perfect healing treat !! O for awesome as the kiwi's say!!   tmrc_emoticons.;). Thank you magnificent TJ!

  • 11. April 2014 - 09:42

    So delicious and refreshing. I added some fresh mint too.

  • 6. February 2014 - 00:22

    tmrc_emoticons.) so glad you liked it, yes it is very filling. 

    I should also add if using spiralina, I only use 1/4 kids don't notice it and myself for that matter.

  • 1. February 2014 - 21:10

    So good to be healthy and tasty all in one! Very filling

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