thumbnail image 1
thumbnail image 1
Preparation time
Total time
5 jar(s)


  • 600 grams loquats or cumquats
  • 1 lemon, quartered
  • 600 grams white sugar, pulverised to make caster sugar
  • 220 grams filtered water

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  • Spatula TM5/TM6
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Recipe's preparation

  1. 1. Place loquats and lemon in TM and pulverise for 5 seconds on speed 6 (you can adjust this according to how chunky you like your marmalade).

    2. Add water and cook the fruit for 10 minutes at 100 degrees Speed 2

    3. Add the caster sugar and set TM for 20 mins at 100 degrees Speed 2.

    4. Pour into sterilised jars.


Loquats have heaps of seeds. Rather than spending hours de-seeding them I simply cook the jam with them in. After cooking they float to the top and can be easily scooped out with a sterilised spoon. The seeds also help with the amount of pectin needed to set the marmalade.


Wash and rinse jars and place in a warm oven for ten minutes to sterilise. Pour hot jam into jars and seal immediately.

Jam sets well due to high pectin in the fruit.

Thermomix Model

  • Appliance TM 31 image
    Recipe is created for
    TM 31

This recipe was provided to you by a Thermomix ® customer and has not been tested by Vorwerk Thermomix ® or The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd.
Vorwerk Thermomix ® and The Mix Australia Pty Ltd and The Mix New Zealand Ltd assume no liability, particularly in terms of ingredient quantities used and success of the recipes.
Please observe the safety instructions in the Thermomix ® instruction manual at all times.

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Loquat Marmalade



  • 12. October 2021 - 23:01

    I spent tthe time removing the pips from my loquats before I read the recipe - so I whizzed up the flesh of the loquats and then added some of the pips back in afterwards. They did float to the surface, so were easy to pick out before they went into the marmalade. I am notorious for making sloppy marmalade, so I really hope this one sets...
    If it does work, I might try adding a small amount of something naughty, like rum...

  • 1. November 2018 - 15:18

    this receipe is alittle confusing? Im trying to make Loquat marmalade but there is no way to pulverise the loquat and boil it with the seed still in. The seed would be pulverised in with the fruit. I think this is a comquat reciepe not a loquat reciepe.

  • 26. October 2016 - 10:02

    Loquats seeds contain cyanogenic glycoside which can be poisonous if consumed in large quantities. The amount in the recipe should not be dangerous but there is no guarantee, so I would err on the side of caution and leave the seeds out.

    As an aside, if you turbo this and add less liquid it makes a good paste. I just adjusted it to be more like the Quince paste recipe in quantities.

  • 16. September 2016 - 17:33

    The loquat seed Is toxic. Do not use at all. Remove before cooking  tmrc_emoticons.)

  • 8. May 2016 - 16:53

    I think juliahatzi is right. This is cumquat recipe not a loquat recipe, they are completely different. Loquat is not even a citrus. That sounds like way too much sugar for loquats and no way would you use the loquat seeds.

    Please someone post a loquat recipe!!

  • 26. September 2015 - 08:11

    The initial blend blended the pips up a lot, might do on reverse next time as I couldnt get them out. 

  • 5. September 2015 - 17:44

    You sure these are loquats and not cumquats tmrc_emoticons.)


  • 24. June 2015 - 09:45

    Good receipe, however I changed it slightly. I sieved out the pulp and pips after the first cook. Was left with about half, only added equal castor sugar and a split vanilla bean pod and 2 tsp of vanilla paste. Is smooth and pipless! Yummo!

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